Since rebranding as Cepheid Studio I’ve been relishing the opportunity to sneak little bits of real science into every corner of my business. I’ve even come up with a way to add a surprise scientific fact into my packaging!
Some of my facts in all their glory
Initially I concocted four facts which spanned the themes of my most popular products: galaxies, maps, the moon and the solar system. I see so many people on social media showing off their passion for science and research, so I thought this would be a great way to spread that enthusiasm even further. So, if you have a mind-blowing fact that you just can’t keep to yourself, or your research is awesome and more people need to hear about it, let me know! You don’t have to be a scientist to join in with this project - did you hear something really cool in a pub quiz? Did you learn something incredibly weird and wonderful at school? I want to hear about it!
I’ll be sharing my favourites on social media in the coming weeks, and the most incredible ones will be making their way into my gift boxes this year. I’ve added fields in the submission form for you to add your name and social media handle so I can shout about how great you are, but you’re also welcome to submit your facts anonymously if you’d prefer. I’ll be leaving this form open indefinitely, so feel free to pop back again and submit more facts in the future!